
Stacey A. Robinson

Tuesday, April 11, 2023, 5-7 pm, Theater 205

Stacey A. Robinson is an Associate Professor of Graphic Design at the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign. His work on the Black Kirby exhibit led to his recognition as a Nasir Jones Fellow in the Hutchins Center at Harvard University in 2020. Over the last decade, his work has defined the aesthetics of Afrofuturism and the Black Speculative Arts. Robinson’s workshop introduced the elements of graphic design as part of the field of Digital Liberal Arts at Macalester College. He offered a brief tutorial on the use of platforms that include the Adobe suite and emerging augmented reality tools like Scaniverse. After his presentation, he engaged the audience in a discussion about his work and the future of digital art. Participants had the opportunity to create new projects during the second phase of the workshop, using the tools and resources that Robinson provided.