Community forums are intentional, democratized spaces where stakeholders in the community meet to dialogue, debate, strategize, network with, and learn from each other. The Education and Power Community Forums are a collaborative project between students from Brian Lozenski’s Critical Issues in Urban Education course at Macalester College and local, active community members with deep knowledge about an educational topic and its history in the Twin Cities who mentors 5-7 students as they organize their forums. Students spend the semester narrowing down on a topic, planning out their content, and formatting the structure to create a 90-120 minute long forum dealing with power and urban education.

The Spring 2020 semester Macalester College students of EDUC 260, in partnership with the East Side Freedom Library, engaged in a form of public scholarship by curating four community forums.

Forum Details

March 12th
Bargaining for the Common Good: Community Intervention & Resource Distribution in St. Paul Schools
East Side Freedom Library, 6-8pm
Mentor – Robin Wonsley Worlobah (Education Minnesota)

April 7th (Cancelled)
Centering Student Voices: Re-envisioning Ethnic Studies for Liberation
Rondo Library, 5:45-7:45 pm
Mentor – Paul Spies (The Coalition to Increase Teachers of Color and American Indian Teachers in Minnesota)

April 22nd – webinar (registration link)
Lowering the Stakes: How Can We Reimagine Assessment?
East Side Freedom Library, 6-8pm
Mentor – Lars Esdal (Education Evolving)

April 26th (Cancelled)
Imagining Alternative Educational Spaces: Transformation and Aspiration
Location To Be Determined, 6-8pm
Mentor – Anthony Galloway (ArtsUS)