We are grateful for the help and support of so many people.

First and foremost, we appreciate the time and generosity of the amazing alumni who participated in our life history interviews. Without them, this project would not be possible.

We appreciate assistance from people across Macalester College – Kyle Belmont, Neely Heubach, Aisling Quigley, and Brooke Schmolke – who informed and supported our project at critical moments.

We are grateful to staff and faculty in the Geography department who nurtured the project at different moments. Special thanks to Laura Kigin, who sleuthed through her records to find relevant photographs and Dave Lanegran who helped us understand the department’s history and supported so many alumni as they found their way in the world after graduation.

Last, but not least, we are thankful for the friends and family who encouraged us in our work and lifted our spirits at the right moments.