Le Dejeuner sur l’herbe: Les trois femmes noires

Le Dejeuner sur l’herbe: Les trois femmes noires

Mickalene Thomas’ Le Dejeuner sur l’herbe: Les trois femmes noires centers three reposed black women, congregated amidst an intensely colorful, nigh-abstract environment. The assemblage of various colors, patterns, and textures is loud, demanding its own space. It creates an environment of ease and of joy that the subjects radiate. Richard Powell describes this style of… Continue reading Le Dejeuner sur l’herbe: Les trois femmes noires

i’m feelin’ good

i'm feelin' good

Like Mickalene Thomas’ other works, i’m feelin’ good centers a black female gaze. In it, we see a black woman, reclining, posed as if in a throne. Like the medium of the piece itself, her environment is a collage, an eclectic mix of 20th century styles. The space feels lived in, cloths, carpets, and flowers… Continue reading i’m feelin’ good

“King Kata” #3: Peel Out (After Yoshitoshi’s “Incomparable Warriors: Woman Han Gaku”)

"King Kata" #3: Peel Out (After Yoshitoshi's "Incomparable Warriors: Woman Han Gaku")

This piece situates a young black girl astride a colorful big wheel tricycle, front wheel in the air and dust billowing out behind her. The girl wears a flowing cape, seemingly a blanket tied in a knot round her neck. With the sunglasses and gloves, she adopts the identity of a superhero, donning alongside them… Continue reading “King Kata” #3: Peel Out (After Yoshitoshi’s “Incomparable Warriors: Woman Han Gaku”)

Whoshi: The Sender (After Yoshitoshi’s “The Ghost Of Taira No Tomomori Appears At Diamotsu Bay”)


In this piece we see a woman, augmented by robotic elements and robed in a brightly-patterned dress, stepping through waves and blowing abstract clouds. Richard Powell writes that this “part cyborg, part black woman” is “an idiosyncratic, active entity, unconstrained by cultural norms and boundaries, yet at ease in her own skin.” The piece probes… Continue reading Whoshi: The Sender (After Yoshitoshi’s “The Ghost Of Taira No Tomomori Appears At Diamotsu Bay”)

The Door is Open

The Door is Open

“I wanted to depict a future for black and queer people that was bright, but also addressed the struggles that we go through now and would need to through to get to that future, but in a way that wasn’t just depressing.” – Noah Lawrence-Holder Noah Lawrence-Holder’s The Door is Open depicts two subjects, situated… Continue reading The Door is Open

The Table is Set

The Table is Set

“I wanted to create a world in which we were liberated and, you know, free to show up fully as ourselves. But also, I kind of wanted to do something for myself with this. So, I wanted to have this high fantasy influence in it. Because that’s been like, something that I’ve been looking at… Continue reading The Table is Set
