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  • Collection: Slide Library Collection

Portrait of a person with dark hair that is up in a bun. They wear a red shirt with white and black detailing along the collar. They look slightly off to the left and past the viewer. The background is composed of three blocks of color, one pink, one…

Two people stand in a garden, with trees behind them and a few tall flowers in front of them. One of the people wears a long, greyish-blue dress and bonnet, and they raise one of their arms up. The other person wears a black suit and holds a white…

People fill a train car. There are two windows on the left wall. On the bench facing the viewer, in the foreground, a person sits holding a baby, another person sits with a basket on their lap, and a child leans against them.

Two people ride horses down a mountain. They are going around a bend, so one of the riders is in the center of the piece and facing left, while the other rider is facing away from the viewer, riding into the distance.

A person in black robes gestures wildly to another person sitting next to them, who is looking slightly off to the side. Behind them, people sit, filling the room.

A crowd of people fill the canvas, with a central figure with an arm raised and wearing white standing in front of them. The crowd is backgrounded by buildings lining a street.

Three people turn dramatically away from two more people and a donkey in the background. They wear flowing skirts and one carries a basket of food on their head. They all stand on a small road next to a small building.

Statue of a person leaning back on a cane. They wear a long jacket and hat.

A person approaches a dog in a street, holding a muzzle in their hands. There are a few posters on the wall of the building behind them.

People crowd together and look towards the left side of the piece, with shocked expressions on their faces.
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