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  • Collection: Slide Library Collection

Multiple columns of varying shapes, sizes, and textures stand or hang against an installation wall.

People pray in an open room with pillars and arches. The people face a grey, metal gate at the far end of the room, and light comes down from the ceiling in the middle of the room.

A large room with a high, domed ceiling and circle skylight. Inset statues and columns line the rounded walls of the room, and people walk and sit on the vast, patterned floor.

A chair sits at a table inside a room with large windows. On the table, a book lays open in front of the chair and a plate sits farther off. A blue sky and green ground can be seen outside the large windows.

A folding chair sits alone in a room with many windows and an open door. Through the door, a building and some trees can be seen outside. The floor of the room is red, while the walls and chair are blue.

Interior of a room with a large table and chair. There are two large windows, out of which can be seen a road and the ocean.

View of pathways through a sculpture garden. Sculptures dot the area, surrounded by a variety of plants and gravel.

A naked baby sits in a wooden cart being pulled by a giant bug along a field path. Smaller bugs and animals crawl along the path. A church stands in the field in the background, along with a fence and many trees. The baby holds up a stick.

A group of figures in colorful outfits move across the composition, filling most of the piece. The background is various shades of blue.
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