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  • Collection: Slide Library Collection

Many open rooms of a house with people in each room. In the middle room, there is a person kneeling at a large loom, weaving. In the left room, two people sit on the floor in front of a large tapestry. In the two rightmost rooms, people walk between…

Portrait of a person sitting cross-legged on a pedestal. They have one hand up by their chest and the other rests in their lap. Two large circles frame the figure.

Four figures move around the bank of a winding river.

A person in large black robes sits, holding a long white object up to their head. To the right of the figure, there are lines of writing.

Portrait of a person sitting, facing the right side of the composition, their head tilted downwards. Their robes pool around them, and a scarf covers their head and hangs down in front of them.

(Detail) A person sits in a tall chair, facing a row of people sitting on the other side of red archways. Stairs lead down from where the people are kneeling, and another person approaches them from the right side of the composition.

Portrait of a person in big black robes sitting. The hilt of a sword can be seen sticking out from the robes. The person has their hair in a high bun and they look off to the right of the composition.

A large, central figure sits in middle of the composition. Smaller figures sit on wispy clouds around the main person.

Statue of a figure with one arm bent up back by their head in a fist, and the other arm pushed down by their side, palm parallel to the ground. Their mouth is open like they are yelling, and they wear flowing pants.

Statue of a figure with their arms bent by their hips, with one hand with the palm out and the other in a fist. They are wearing flowing pants and stand on a small platform.

Statue of a figure with one arm bent up back by their head in a fist, and…
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