Browse Items (711 total)

  • Collection: Slide Library Collection

Depiction of a battle in front of a castle. Cloudy sky and cliff in the background.

Portrait of a person in a silver dress, white feather hat, and a red shawl. They have curly brown hair and are sat facing the viewer, with their arms loosely crossed on their lap.

A person lays slumped over the side of a bathtub, holding a piece of paper in one hand and a quill in the other. A table covers much of the bath tub and there is a small side table next to the tub. The person's hair is wrapped in white fabric, and…

A person standing in the center of the image holds up three swords. Three people in helmets reach out for the swords. Behind the person in the center, people with children sit, leaning against each other.

A person in military garb rides a horse up a mountain. Behind them, more people moving up the mountain can be seen.

A person wearing nearly no clothes and holding a lyre sits on a stool next to a bed. Another person in robes leans against the other person. In front of them is a small, inset pool, and behind them the room is decorated with statues.

A person in a white robe sits up on a bed with one finger raised up in the air. They are surrounded by many people in robes who sit, stand, and lean on each other emotionally.

Portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte standing in front of an ornate desk, dressed in military-style garb.

A person in a plain white dress sits in a small, ornate chair, facing the viewer. They have a long gold shawl wrapped around them, reminiscent of a toga.

A person in a white dress sits on a red cushioned seat, holding the hand of a child, also dressed in white, who stands next to them. The person wears a hat with a green ribbon around it, matching the ribbon around their waist, and they hold a small…
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