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  • Collection: Slide Library Collection

A large, dark brown tree extends across the composition. The tree is covered in many green leaves, colorful flowers, and other plants. The background is gold, and there are brown hills far in the left background.

A person lays slumped over the side of a bathtub, holding a piece of paper in one hand and a quill in the other. A table covers much of the bath tub and there is a small side table next to the tub. The person's hair is wrapped in white fabric, and…

Portrait of a person in a heavy blue and black jacket, yellow vest, white shirt, and black necktie. They stand, looking at the viewer, with one arm propped up on a black and red object in the lower right corner.

A nude white man leans over a granite block so as to rest his penis on it. He wears leather chaps, with his buttocks and penis exposed. His face is out of frame.

Portrait of a person in an ornate dress. They are turned slightly towards the left of the composition and look off into the distance, with one hand on a small dog that is jumping up at them. The person has their hair up with an ornate headband, which…

A person who is mostly naked except for blue fabric that is wrapped around their waist sits on a bed covered in white and red fabric. They wear a helmet and more armor lays on the ground at their feet. The person props one arm on their bent knee, and…

Portrait of a person sitting in a chair, leaning forward. They wear a long black coat, brown bow, and brown hat, and hold a few photographs out.

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A person looks to the right, away from the viewer. They wear a black coat and dress, against a white background.

A small, round object with the head of a doe sits against a white background.

Shapes of various thickness and size create a spiral-like effect that points towards the center of the composition. They alternate between red, blue, black, and white.
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