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  • Collection: Slide Library Collection

Portrait of a figure with horns and yellow eyes, with lines dripping from their face. They wear a crown and there are polka dots above their head, as well as a bird-like shape.

Portrait of a white face with large black eyes and flowing black hair. There is a yellow cross on their forehead, a blue and red oval over one eye, and red coming out of their mouth. Grey lines are coming out of their neck, creating the effect of a…

This image shows the 7th panel of Orozco's mural at Dartmouth College. It depicts a man banishing the creature Quetzalcoatl. On the left side are Native Americans with their arms up in fear, looking towards the right at the creature. Behind them is a…

José Gamarra - Nightfall.jpeg
Four men on a boat proceed along a body of muddy, green-blue water, with a dense forest of entangled tree branches forming the background against a soft blue sky. Superman paddles the boat forward from the back, the others in the boat being the Devil…

There is a protest happening on 14th street. Some signs include phrases such as "Against War" and "Stop".

The work is made up of three squares of varying sizes. The largest square is an extremely dark evergreen, the middle-sized square a medium tone evergreen, and the smallest square which lays on top is an oceanic blue.

Four squares appear "stacked" so that the larger squares contain the smaller ones. The largest square is a slightly muddy green, with subsequent squares getting smaller and appearing in the following colors: light gray-ish purple, a similarly light…

Five squares of different colors are stacked on top of one another. The largest square is a light sand color, the second largest is a light unsaturated yellow, the middle a cool light gray, the second smallest a similarly cool gray color though…

Four squares of different colors contain one another. The largest is tangerine, the next is peach, the next is a light unsaturated yellow, and the smallest is daisy yellow.
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