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  • Collection: Slide Library Collection

Three people stand on the edge of a beach, with water behind them. A fourth person sits in a boat on the water, facing away from the other people and the viewer.

Tall, thin trees stand against a yellow sky and orange ground. Larger rocks and boulders dot the ground around the trees, and hills rise up against the horizon in the background.

Statue of a person sitting. They have their knees sticking out to either side and are wearing a tall, pointed hat. They look straight ahead.

Statue of a person sitting with their knees sticking out to each side and one hand resting by their stomach. They wear a tall, pointed hat, and look solemnly downwards.

A person sits cross-legged and looking forward but slightly downwards. They hold one hand up by their chest and the other hand resting down by one leg.

Statue of a child wearing flowing red pants and looking downwards with their eyes almost closed. They have their hands flat together in front of their chest.

Two statues of people in long robes stand on round, flat pedestals. The person on the left has two hands up by their chest like they are talking. The person on the right is holding a rounded container up by their chest.

A small, square, two-story building stands in front of a small lake, surrounded by trees. Both stories of the building are capped with swooping roofs, and arched windows line the second story.

(Daikōdō) A long, rectangular building with a swooping roof stands on a raised platform in front of a plaza. Wide, low stairs lead up to the building. There are seven large openings along the wall, covered by curtains.

A rectangular, closed box with a pattern of cart wheels in water.
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