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  • Collection: Slide Library Collection

View of a long building across the water, with the building reflected in the water. The building is mostly red and white, with dark brown roofs and covered walkways.

A large figure lies on a platform in a sparse forest. People gather around, sitting and bowing to the figure laying down.

People wearing flowing robes sit in an open room. The walls are lightly decorated.

A large figure sits cross-legged on a pedestal while two smaller figures stand beside them. Flames surround the main figure.

View of a long building across water. Light shines from the inside, illuminating the statues that can be seen through the windows of the building.

Statue of a person standing on a flower-like pedestal. They wear robes that hang off of them and are looking slightly downwards. The person has one hand up, holding a ball, and the other hand has two fingers touching and is down by their hip.

View of a building across a plaza. The building has white walls and a large, sloping roof. Wide stairs lead up to the building, and a porch encircles the building.

Statue of a person sitting. They wear large, layered robes and are holding one arm up. Their eyes are slightly closed and they look forward.

Statue of a seated figure with their legs loosely crossed. They have one arm resting on a knee, with the palm up. The other arm is raised, though the hand is missing. The figure wears a somewhat painted outfit, and disks frame their head.

A figure sits in the center of the piece, and many people stand around them in rows. All of the figures wear robes, and the central figure wears a necklace.
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