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A lightbulb hangs from a ceiling. A lampshade composed of a metal sheet spiraling downwards surrounds the lightbulb.

A person sits with their back against a bull that is laying down. They hold onto the head of the bull, which is turned back towards them.

A person stands between two gazelles, which face the person. The person looks down at one, with a hand extended out towards the other gazelle.

Three bears stand on flat rocks. The bear in the center stands up on its hind legs, while the two on either side of it prowl on all four legs.

A building composed of tall, windowed walls is filled with geometric light and shadow from a large beam of light coming down from the upper right corner.

Two people stand on a street, backgrounded by many buildings. One of them holds a German flag, and there is text coming out of the other’s head. The person holding the flag has a “12” on their blank face.

A busy amalgamation of people, shapes, and objects fill a building-lined street.

A person leans against a wall over a small sink. A chair lays upturned on the floor, and the wall behind the person is lined with cabinets.

A person in a blue and gold uniform stands in a brown room. They are turned towards the left side but their eyes look at the viewer. The composition is shape-y and the perspective is abstract.

In a large room, people sit and watch as another person hugs a skeleton. Two more people stand, one is holding a clipboard and the other is dressed as a guard.
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