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Detail of a glass building, looking upwards from the street. The reflection of other buildings can be seen in the windows and a USA flag flies on a pole on the street in front of the building.

Looking across the street to a plaza with buildings on all sides. A red sculpture stands in the plaza and people move around it and on the sidewalk.

Interior of a glass building with dark floors. Buildings and a red sculpture can be seen on the plaza outside the windows. Some people stand inside the building.

This sculpture is of a mother holding a child. The mother is seated, and holds the child against her chest so the child's head rests on her left shoulder. Her left arm is underneath the child's legs and her right arm rests on the child's back.

Looking across a plaza at a dark, glass building. A red sculpture stands in the plaza, obscuring part of the building. People and cars move through and past the plaza and building.

Close up view of the facade of a building, with light reflecting in the many windows, against a black background.

The composition faces a tall, black building across a busy street with people and cars moving along it. Other buildings can be seen down the street, against the background of a blue sky.

A short glass building sits in front of two taller glass buildings. People move on the sidewalk in front of the short building, and through the glass can be seen the words "United States Post Office."

Looking down a covered walkway along a building, with pillars and the building on the right side of the composition. In the background, at the end of the path, there are cars and other buildings and a person moving towards the viewer.

Looking down at a plan of a house, with labels and many decorated rooms. Sketches of trees dot the landscape around the house, stairs, and sidewalk.
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