Browse Items (810 total)

Portrait of a person sitting in front of a large window, turned to face the viewer.

People semi-dressed in robes and helmets gather around another person sitting and holding a lyre. A person in a blue dress stands in the left background, in the entrance to a tent. Farther in the background more people can be seen, and past that a…

Multiple columns of varying shapes, sizes, and textures stand or hang against an instillation wall and platform.

Six figures stand in silhouette against a striped background.

View of a room with a decorative ceiling. The ceiling has curved, blob-shaped recesses in it, one of which flows into a pillar.

Statue of a person sitting on a flower-like pedestal, with a rounded, patterned gold background behind them. They sit with their hands in their lap, facing forward.

A large, central figure sits in middle of the composition. Smaller figures sit on wispy clouds around the main person.

View of a long building across the water, with the building reflected in the water. The building is mostly red and white, with dark brown roofs and covered walkways.

An outdoor circular amphitheater with an abstract triangular shape in the center. The work is made of cement and located at AT&T Control Center in Bedminster, New Jersey, USA.

A person in a long yellow robe stands in a red doorway, looking down at two dogs that look up at them. The person has two guns strapped to their chest and loosely holds a small branch. Tiling covers the lower half of the corner wall on the right side…
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