Invasiva Arte: Lupiner

Invasiva Arte_ Lupiner.png
Invasiva Arte_ Lupiner (1).png
Invasiva Arte_ Lupiner (2).png

Dublin Core


Invasiva Arte: Lupiner


Plant; Invasive Species; Migration; Colonization


Plants are hanging from the red thread upside down. There is a square piece of red fabric inderneath with a pile of dirt and dried leaves/petals on it.

Context: This work includes 4 types of plant species considered to be invasive in Sweden. The arist was looking at the ways in which plants act as literal agents of colonizing land and choking out native growth but also how humans try to violently manage populations that seem out of control. There's a questioning around what violence is and in this particular case, there's a relation between Minnesota and Sweden. The artist was considering how the Swedish colonizers impacted the land she grew up in. Lupin is a native plant to North America but is seen as being invasive in Sweden; it's interesting that the plant is choking out native plants yet locals find the plant beautiful. Organized communities of invasive species overlapping with one another almost like armies, highlighting the play of visibility and invisibility. This draws attention to the violence of colonization and the tension between locals and invaders.


Pierce, Lela (1985-)


Visual Resources Library, EC




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Art Form: Assemblage; Installation
Material: lupin; jate sleva; jate loka; thread; wood; soil
Size: 4 stories; possibly 25 meters


20th Century