Sailors and Floosies


Dublin Core


Sailors and Floosies


people; laying; wall; trees; water; sunset; ground; colors


Four people are in various states of laying on the ground. They are in pairs, and one person in each pair is wearing a sailor’s outfit. Behind them, another pair is pressed up against a tree. Behind them, on the right side of the composition, a person in a sailor’s outfit sits alone on a park bench. There is a newspaper laying on the ground in front of the four people in the foreground. On the left side of the composition, a short stone wall curves around the people. In the far background, water, hills, and a sunset can be seen.


Paul Cadmus (1904-1999)

Born: December 17, 1904 (New York City, New York, USA)
Died: December 12, 1999 (age 94 years) (Weston, Connecticut, USA)


8320, Visual Resources Library, EL




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Art Form: Painting
Material: oil and tempera on linen mounted on composition board, with wood frame
Measurements: 33 11/16 x 48 1/2 in.


20th century