Browse Items (790 total)

Statue of a person sitting with their knees sticking out to each side and one hand resting by their stomach. They wear a tall, pointed hat, and look solemnly downwards.

Statue of a person sitting. They have their knees sticking out to either side and are wearing a tall, pointed hat. They look straight ahead.

Tall, thin trees stand against a yellow sky and orange ground. Larger rocks and boulders dot the ground around the trees, and hills rise up against the horizon in the background.

Three people stand on the edge of a beach, with water behind them. A fourth person sits in a boat on the water, facing away from the other people and the viewer.

Two people in a boxy room. One of them is sitting in the foreground, and the other stands in the middle ground. There is a blue rectangular rug with a yellow border on the floor. On the far wall, there are three square windows, and on the…

A person stands in a shower, with the shower curtain behind them. They look at the viewer.

A person walks towards the viewer, backgrounded by white. The person does not have facial features, and is composed of abstract blocks of color.

People sit at a round table in a blue room. There is a white sink in the upper right corner of the composition. There is food on the table, and the painting is composed of many bright and light colors.

A table sits against a pale wall. A white chair sits next to it, turned away, towards the left side of the canvas, where there is a green and blue door. On the table there is a rectangular mirror in a yellow frame, facing the right side of the canvas…

A large window in a brick building reveals the interior, which is filled with a variety of objects, including many bowling pins and a glowing “Open” sign.
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