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People in various states of undress fill an open air room. Many are lying on the ground or piled up, while some stand. A few people in military dress address some of those standing. The far wall of the room is composed of open archways held up by…

Soldiers congregate around a person on a light yellow horse. Bodies lay around them, alive and dead. In the distance destroyed fields can be seen. The ground is covered in snow, and smoke from distance fires fills the air.

A portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte looking over his shoulder towards the right side of the composition. He is wearing a dark military jacket with gold buttons and red accents. He holds a flag in his left hand that is blurred by motion.

There are thick black brush strokes going across a red painted canvas. In the bottom right corner, there are some hints of pink, teal and blue colors painted as well.

A wooden structure with two metal wings on each side. The middle section is cut out and there are three glass Coca-Cola bottles placed inside. The top section as a sketch in graphite with the word "PLAN". The bottom section as a globe-like object.

A woman in a pink and red striped dress and a white apron is washing various dishes in a sink.

A nude person sits on a bed facing away from the viewer. The bed has white sheets and green curtains drape along the left side of the composition.

A nude person lays on a bed with their body facing away from the viewer and their head turned towards the viewer. They hold a fan in their right hand and their left arm is propped up on a blue pillow. Orange, white, and brown fabric lays on the bed,…

A person in a red cape kneels in the front center of the composition, head down and covered by their arms. Behind them, a mass of light grey people with musical instruments, shields, and spears stand and lay on clouds against a dark background.

A person in a red velvet dress with white riffles sits on a plush golden seat. They also wear many red rings and necklaces. The person faces the viewer while looking vaguely into the distance. A mirror behind them partially reflects the scene.
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