Browse Items (790 total)

Portrait of a person in a black and red dress and black, feathered hat. They hold a brown shawl around themselves and wear gold jewelry. They face the viewer, and behind them is a blue, stormy background.

A person in black robes gestures wildly to another person sitting next to them, who is looking slightly off to the side. Behind them, people sit, filling the room.

A person in military garb rides a horse up a mountain. Behind them, more people moving up the mountain can be seen.

A person in a red cape kneels in the front center of the composition, head down and covered by their arms. Behind them, a mass of light grey people with musical instruments, shields, and spears stand and lay on clouds against a dark background.

Two sculptures stand in a room. The one on the left is farther in the background and is an assemblage of rectangular boxes, filled with objects, that form a wall-like structure. The sculpture on the right is in the foreground and consists of three…

A dragon carries a boat on its back through choppy water. People sit and stand on the boat.

A green statue of a person in chainmail and a cloak, holding an axe and a sword, stands on a tall pedestal in front of a smooth stone tower. The tower comes to a point at the top and has a clock near the top.

Portrait of a figure with horns and yellow eyes, with lines dripping from their face. They wear a crown and there are polka dots above their head, as well as a bird-like shape.

A person wearing nearly no clothes and holding a lyre sits on a stool next to a bed. Another person in robes leans against the other person. In front of them is a small, inset pool, and behind them the room is decorated with statues.

Depiction of a battle in front of a castle. Cloudy sky and cliff in the background.
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