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Vince charcoal drawing depicting a still life with two pillows, a plant, and a window.

Charcoal drawing depicting a still life with two pillows, a plant, and a window.

A cow sits in a field in the right foreground. Along the left side of the composition, a fence runs through the field. In the background past the cow, there is a shack-like structure. It is dark, and the sky is a dark blue with white clouds. A…

Multiple sculpture pieces make up one instillation in a small white room. The pieces are all of a dark, brownish color, made of multiple pieces, shapes, and configurations.

A large jar that curves outwards, inwards, and then outwards. At the top is a neck with a rim. The jar is covered in a continuous line of white squiggles, done with engobe, on a blue surface. The rim is dotted with white engobe. The outside has a…

Trees line a low ridge on the far shore of a lake. The moon crests over the ridge, between a gap in the trees. The lake reflects the trees.

A person partially kneels in a brown room and holds a sponge against their body. They look down and to the left while their body faces the viewer. A small stool with a towel and glass sits on the left of the person and a pile of towels sits behind…

This painting depicts a mother in a white dress sitting on a chair while her child sits on their mother's knee. The mother is looking lovingly at her child as she prepares a bath for them. The child appears to be drifting off to sleep while staring…

This sculpture is of a mother holding a child. The mother is seated, and holds the child against her chest so the child's head rests on her left shoulder. Her left arm is underneath the child's legs and her right arm rests on the child's back.

In this painting, a mother wearing a white dress with blue sleeves looks to the left, while her right arm is wrapped around a child. The child appears to be standing and the mother appears to be seated. The child is naked, facing forward, and has…
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