Browse Items (795 total)

Close view of the lower levels of an apartment building, looking at the ground floor and covered walkways. Grass and trees are in front of the buildings, and another building can be seen in the background.

Portrait of a person in a black dress, white shawl, and white hood. The person is holding a brown squirrel, which sits on their arm, and a small, black bird sits on a branch behind the person. The background is blue, and the person looks off into the…

Portrait of a person facing the left side of the piece, with their hands up. In one hand, they hold a closed fan.

People stand in a room. Two of them are nude, with one hanging off the other. Another person in robes faces them and holds a baby. On the wall behind them, there are two drawings of people curled up.

A nude person stands while doing their hair in front of a mirror that a person in a blue dress holds for them.

Two figures on a white background. One figure embraces the other while the other looks down.

A large, rounded sculpture stands in a plaza surrounded by buildings. The sculpture arches over part of the plaza, and flat sides jut out from the body.

It is a dark room with a couple areas of light.

Line drawing of an animal on a white background. The animal looks over its shoulder.

Portrait of a person wearing a dark cloak, with the hood over their head. They have one all-white eye, and they look off towards the right side of the piece.
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