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Many open rooms of a house with people in each room. In the middle room, there is a person kneeling at a large loom, weaving. In the left room, two people sit on the floor in front of a large tapestry. In the two rightmost rooms, people walk between…

Blue paint on a canvas. There are splashes of black and red on the canvas.

There is a black square like image on the right side of the painting. Above it is a red oval with a black tiny circle in the middle of the red oval, making it look like an eye. It is painted on a blue canvas with some small black brush strokes in the…

A black building juts out from the street, with other various buildings around it. A few trees, cars, and street lamps dot the foreground, and the building is set against a blue sky background.

Looking up from the base of a building to the top. A white sky and another building are in the background. The reflection of more buildings can be seen in the lower windows of the main building.

An up close look at the outside of a building with the reflection of other buildings in the windows.

Statue of a person sitting cross-legged on a flower-like pedestal. They have one hand raised to their chest, with the forefinger and thumb touching. The other hand rests near their lap.

Statue of a seated figure with their legs loosely crossed. They have one arm resting on a knee, with the palm up. The other arm is raised, though the hand is missing. The figure wears a somewhat painted outfit, and disks frame their head.

Statue of a person sitting. They have their knees sticking out to either side and are wearing a tall, pointed hat. They look straight ahead.

Abstract blocks of colors and dark lines form the shape of a person sitting.
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