Browse Items (795 total)

Portrait of a person in a brown shirt and black skirt. The person wears a large, black bow around their neck and a dark brown belt. They have brown hair, which is up. They have both hands on one hip and look at the viewer.

Portrait of a person in a black three-piece suit sitting in a green chair, in front of a wall covered in framed paintings.

Statue of a figure with an expressive face. They have one arm pushed downwards with the palm flat, parallel to the ground. The other arm is bent up by their head, and they are wearing flowing pants.

Statue of a figure with one arm bent up back by their head in a fist, and the other arm pushed down by their side, palm parallel to the ground. Their mouth is open like they are yelling, and they wear flowing pants.

Three bears stand on flat rocks. The bear in the center stands up on its hind legs, while the two on either side of it prowl on all four legs.

People on a white sailboat sail on wavy water, passing by a large buoy.

Portrait of a person wearing a large red hat. They are sat facing the right side of the composition but their head is turned to look at the viewer. Behind them is a mural. The person wears a blue coat with a white ruffle poking out at the neck and…

A person in a black and white striped shirt stands under some green leaves. The person has short brown hair and looks slightly to the right of the composition, past the viewer.

Abstract lines, shapes, and shadows form the shape of a person playing the mandolin.

Portrait of a person in a white shirt and blue skirt sitting in a chair, with one arm resting on the chair. They wear a long necklace and a pink sash around their waist. They look vaguely at the viewer.
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