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Black and charcoal grey paint painted on a canvas with heavy brush strokes. There are areas of no paint on it, showing the canvas.

A person white white face paint and red eyes. They are wearing a clown hat and a clown outfit.

Black, orange, blue, green, yellow, and pink painted on a canvas with a painted white background.

White canvas with black large brush marks going horizontally and vertically across the canvas.

Blue paint on a canvas. There are splashes of black and red on the canvas.

Black and grey paint on a white canvas. The painting appears to be painted with a big brush as the brush strokes are very defined and big.

There are thick black brush strokes going across a red painted canvas. In the bottom right corner, there are some hints of pink, teal and blue colors painted as well.

Black paint brushed on a pearl white canvas. There are also some brown brush strokes as well.

There is a black square like image on the right side of the painting. Above it is a red oval with a black tiny circle in the middle of the red oval, making it look like an eye. It is painted on a blue canvas with some small black brush strokes in theā€¦
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