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Text on an electric sign reads, “Torture is barbaric.”

(Schoolhouse) A rectangular building on many stilts is encircled by a low fence. It has a swooping tiled roof and steps leading up to a door.

Abstract lines and shapes form a face of a person wearing a hat. Pieces of paper with text on them form parts of the head.

Three people stand on a beach by the water, facing each other.

A tall, tower-like building with many stories and many roofs. A decorated spire rises out of the top.

(Image 1) People walk along a pathway parallel to a wooden wall. On the other side of the wall, in the distance, can be seen a wooden building. Tall trees fill the background.

A low, rectangular building with a swooping roof. Wide steps lead from a pathway up to three doors in the building.

A person in a blue shirt stands next to a horse. They look at each other.

A vessel with a pointed bottom and wave-like patterns criss-crossing the outer surface.

Statue of a figure sitting with one leg crossed over their lap and a hand propping up their chin. Their other foot rests on a small pedestal, they wear flowing skirts, and a rounded shape frames their head.
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