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Harriet_painting_Elizabeth Catlett_1975.jpg
This piece of art shows Harriet Tubman leading other black former slaves to safety and freedom. Four adults and one child are following her. Tubman is in the foreground, her right hand outstretched and her index finger pointing forward.

Portrait of a person in white, yellow, and blue silk robes and a white turban. They prop up their head on one hand, looking at the viewer. They hold a brown book in the other hand, and on the table before them is another book, a mask, and a quill.…

Portrait of a man in a black and white robe sitting in a large chair, holding a large book, against a red wall. The person looks at the viewer.

Trees line a low ridge on the far shore of a lake. The moon crests over the ridge, between a gap in the trees. The lake reflects the trees.

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 3.35.39 PM.jpg
Three women pulling a wheat cultivating machine. Designed for the United States Food Administration by the Division of Pictorial Publicity. The text displayed says "Will you help the Women of France? SAVE WHEAT".

Overhead view of a person walking along a street, next to a large building, with shadows filling the composition.

People sit at round tables on a balcony, with the dark sky in the background. One person in a green dress stands by a table, at which a clown sits with two other people. Paper lanterns hang above the tables.

A person sits on the curb of a street in front of a storefront.

View of a facade of short storefronts along an empty street. A striped pole and a fire hydrant cast shadows along the sidewalk.

Two people sitting in a small room. One of them sits in an armchair at a small table, the other sits at a piano. There are paintings on the wall and a door on the far wall. The viewer looks through an open window at the scene.
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