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People fill a beach, all doing different beach activities and interacting with one another. In the far distance, a roller coaster can be seen in the upper left corner of the piece.

A table with a white tablecloth partially falling off of it and covered in pinkish onions stands agains a wall. A bottle, glass, plate, and knife also sit on the table, surrounded by the onions.

The peak of a mountain rises into the sky in the background. In the middle and foreground, yellow buildings mix with green trees to form the valley below the mountain.

Looking down at Vincent van Gogh sitting at an easel, painting. A vase of sunflowers sits next to the easel, and van Gogh holds a paintbrush in one hand and a palette in the other. He wears a brown suit.

A person sits with their back against a bull that is laying down. They hold onto the head of the bull, which is turned back towards them.

A person stands between two gazelles, which face the person. The person looks down at one, with a hand extended out towards the other gazelle.

Three bears stand on flat rocks. The bear in the center stands up on its hind legs, while the two on either side of it prowl on all four legs.

A table sits against a pale wall. A white chair sits next to it, turned away, towards the left side of the canvas, where there is a green and blue door. On the table there is a rectangular mirror in a yellow frame, facing the right side of the canvas…

People sit at a round table in a blue room. There is a white sink in the upper right corner of the composition. There is food on the table, and the painting is composed of many bright and light colors.

A person holds a child. Both are nude, and both are holding a piece of fruit. The adult is facing forward, while the child is facing to the left of the composition, but the adult looks to the left.
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