Browse Items (798 total)

Portrait of a painter holding a palette, looking at the viewer. They wear red, black, and white robes and a white hat. Behind them, the background is a light brown color with two faint circles.

A large sailing ship sits on a deep blue sea. The ship is painted in with the same coloring and wave-like movement and frothing of the sea, the vessel itself an apparent continuation of the ocean beneath it. The sky boasts full, fluffy clouds in the…

A chair sits at a table inside a room with large windows. On the table, a book lays open in front of the chair and a plate sits farther off. A blue sky and green ground can be seen outside the large windows.

A folding chair sits alone in a room with many windows and an open door. Through the door, a building and some trees can be seen outside. The floor of the room is red, while the walls and chair are blue.

Interior of a room with a large table and chair. There are two large windows, out of which can be seen a road and the ocean.

Two people in a boxy room. One of them is sitting in the foreground, and the other stands in the middle ground. There is a blue rectangular rug with a yellow border on the floor. On the far wall, there are three square windows, and on the…

A cube is the cental point of the piece as several straight lines intersect within the work. The entire piece is symmetrical.

A symmetrical sculpture composed of many geometrical patterns including shapes such as rhombuses, rectangles, triangles, and more. The piece also uses a fair amount of straight lines throughout the shapes to connect them.

Statue of a person dancing. They are mostly nude, and their head is tilted back with their eyes closed. Their arms are bent out in a loose circle around them, and their knees are slightly bent.

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A proboscis monkey looking towards the left side of the piece.
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