Browse Items (782 total)

A large, electric sign reads, “Finding extreme pleasure will make you a better person if you’re careful about what thrills you.” People sit on a bench facing it.

Two people sit at a table in a wood-clad room. They both wear large, feathered hats and colorful robes lined with brown fur. One of the figures is writing in a ledger with a quill, while the other makes a face at the viewer. Papers are falling off a…

Two Sisters (On the Terrace) After AI, After Renoir-- oil on paper, 6%22x6%22, 2021.jpeg
An abstract image of two sisters sitting in a garden.

A white and blue vase filled with a bouquet of red, pink, yellow, and white flowers sits on a table, along with a white and red lamp, a white bowl, and a pink flower. On the wall behind, a painting in a brown frame hangs.

The viewer looks down at a plan of a house, with labels and decorated rooms. Sketches of trees dot the landscape around the house.

Looking down at a plan of a house, with labels and many decorated rooms. Sketches of trees dot the landscape around the house, stairs, and sidewalk.

Looking out at a living room decorated with chairs, a coffee table, and statue. Curtains cover the left wall and silver pillars dot the room.

Facing the entrance to a house with a white sky background and a road in front.

Looking up at a house on a slight hill. The house has a stairway going to a floor with many windows. Two trees frame the house, and the sky behind the house is cloudy.

View of an intricate, tall, stone building across a busy river, among the other buildings of a city.
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