Browse Items (806 total)

This installation is an immersive experience that asks attendees to reflect on memory and its connections with self and Blackness. In the middle of the room sits a table and a chair with a quotation from bell hooks.

Much of the space is empty…

Two severed heads rest on bloodied cloth sheets. One head's mouth is agape and its eye listless. The other head's eyes are closed and mouth slightly parted.

A large jar that curves outwards, inwards, and then outwards. At the top is a neck with a rim. The jar is covered in a continuous line of white squiggles, done with engobe, on a blue surface. The rim is dotted with white engobe. The outside has a…

This tempera on-panel painting depicts a snowy lonesome road. On either side of the road are two small hills, and a yellow curing road sign sits on the right side. Looking forward is snow-covered fields.

This papercut is mostly of an underwater scene. There are plants growing, an octopus, fish, seahorses, dolphins. stingrays, turtles, and more animals swimming. The helm of a boat is underwater, alongside a chain and anchor. There are humans swimming…

A wood carving of plants and branches emerging from the ground on a pink piece of wood. On the right, in red colored wood, are branches and leaves growing outwards. In the middle is a lighter colored piece of wood with two leaves poking out from the…

Yellow flowers with long green stems lay on a white background. Blue ribbon surrounds the flowers, with red and yellow leaves above them.

Vines and tree branches criss-cross across the piece. There are animals running all over the branches, such as snakes, birds, and mice. There is also a cage hanging near the bottom. A baby with long ears is standing in the tree, strangling a bird.…

A swamphen stands on a stump above a pile of wood that a tree grows out of. Behind the swamphen is a map of the world, with the continents of Africa and Asia behind it.

An orange bison with a variety of patterns stands between two piles of red, orange, and white cattle skulls.
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