Browse Items (806 total)

Detail of three people in long, patterned dresses and sandals. They are turned away from the viewer, looking at one another. They have dark hair at different lengths and in different hair styles.

Wooden sculpture with four legs and 6 accessories.

A collage of interwoven images of football players.

A collage of interwoven strips of images of football players and a field.

A collage of interwoven strips of images of a baseball player and a baseball stadium.

Statue of a person sitting with their eyes closed. They have a hand up, level with their chest, with two fingers touching each other. Behind them, there is a large, circular, gold plate with floral patterns and miniature versions of the larger…

A tall, tower-like building with many stories and many roofs. A decorated spire rises out of the top.

A poster with text on the top and bottom that reads "Years of Dust" and "Resettlement Administration Rescues victims Restores land to proper use." In the image, a person in a hat sits on the porch of a house, head in hands, with a newspaper on their…

A curved, wide mouth vase with a flower-like engraved pattern and light glaze.

Tall, thin trees stand against a yellow sky and orange ground. Larger rocks and boulders dot the ground around the trees, and hills rise up against the horizon in the background.
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