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  • Collection: Slide Library Collection

A large, stone building with a grand staircase leading up to three tall archways that frame the entrance is mostly lit by the sun. The sidewalk and street in front of the building are cast in shadow. A few trees and bushes stand in front of the large…

Short, thin, straight and curved lines form individual characters, which are arranged in rows and grouped in sections.

Four people are in various states of laying on the ground. They are in pairs, and one person in each pair is wearing a sailor’s outfit. Behind them, another pair is pressed up against a tree. Behind them, on the right side of the composition, a…

A brown tower made of pieces of wood stands tall in an empty room. The tower is composed of square layers that get progressively smaller the higher up they are. Rectangular pieces of wood stick out from each cube’s corners and one sticks vertically…

A mobile composed of an orange fish, many black shapes in a line, and a round, wire cage hangs from the ceiling of a white room. The black shapes are rounded and are connected to one another by a series of straight pieces of wire.

A mobile composed of red polygonal shapes hangs from a white ceiling. The red shapes are connected to a spine of wire, and form a horizontal line.

A large, rounded sculpture stands in a plaza surrounded by buildings. The sculpture arches over part of the plaza, and flat sides jut out from the body.

People fill a beach, all doing different beach activities and interacting with one another. In the far distance, a roller coaster can be seen in the upper left corner of the piece.

A tall, black, cone stands in a room. A long wire sticks out of the top of the cone. A mobile composed of various white circles hangs from the long end of the wire, and a large circle is on the other, short end of the wire that comes out the other…

Rounded, black shapes connected by wire and rods form a hanging mobile.
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