Browse Items (782 total)

Invasiva Arte_ Lupiner.png
Plants are hanging from the red thread upside down. There is a square piece of red fabric inderneath with a pile of dirt and dried leaves/petals on it.

Context: This work includes 4 types of plant species considered to be invasive in Sweden. The…

vortex star shelves.png
Pointy shelves that represent abstractly shaped stars. Bright yellow, orange, red, blue, and purple are the colors used. The smaller works besides the shelves are painted circles and elongated pyramids; the pyramids have spheroid shelves hanging from…

sankofa with wild seeds.png
This is a 3-wall installation. The walls are black and lights are illuminating from the bottom of 2 walls. In the center wall is the long painting of the 4 Sankofa birds. Each of the other walls has a large cutout drawing of a woman in an almost…

There are 4 Sankofa birds in the center of the image. The birds are blue and have very long necks that are curved back and interlocking with each other. On either side of the image, there is a naked woman with most of the artwork contents coming out…

games and rescue on the beach.jpg
In highly stylized and abstracted forms, the painting depicts a scene of playing and rescuing on the beach. On the left, three figures are playing games and having fun at the beach. On the right, however, is an ongoing rescue. The highly saturated…

Portrait of a person in a black and red dress and black, feathered hat. They hold a brown shawl around themselves and wear gold jewelry. They face the viewer, and behind them is a blue, stormy background.

A bronze wall with various vague objects on top of it appears. The casts on top of the wall appear to be large strips of cloth that have been crumpled up, and a book; though, the larger strip of cloth looks somewhat corpse-like and as though some…

A person holds a child. Both are nude, and both are holding a piece of fruit. The adult is facing forward, while the child is facing to the left of the composition, but the adult looks to the left.

People sit at a round table in a blue room. There is a white sink in the upper right corner of the composition. There is food on the table, and the painting is composed of many bright and light colors.

A table sits against a pale wall. A white chair sits next to it, turned away, towards the left side of the canvas, where there is a green and blue door. On the table there is a rectangular mirror in a yellow frame, facing the right side of the canvas…
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