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Multiple columns of varying shapes, sizes, and textures stand or hang against an installation wall.

Interior 1 -- oil on canvas. 32.5%22 x 32.5%22. 2013..jpg
A painting depicting an interior scene of a window.

Interior 2 -- oil on canvas. 20%22 x 20%22. 2014..jpg
A still life painting depicting an interior scene with plants.

Interior 3 -- oil on canvas, 32.5%22x32.5%22, 2014.jpg
The image displays a person or shadow sitting on a peach couch in an abstract living room.

People pray in an open room with pillars and arches. The people face a grey, metal gate at the far end of the room, and light comes down from the ceiling in the middle of the room.

A large room with a high, domed ceiling and circle skylight. Inset statues and columns line the rounded walls of the room, and people walk and sit on the vast, patterned floor.

A chair sits at a table inside a room with large windows. On the table, a book lays open in front of the chair and a plate sits farther off. A blue sky and green ground can be seen outside the large windows.

A folding chair sits alone in a room with many windows and an open door. Through the door, a building and some trees can be seen outside. The floor of the room is red, while the walls and chair are blue.

Interior of a room with a large table and chair. There are two large windows, out of which can be seen a road and the ocean.

Invasiva Arte_ Lupiner.png
Plants are hanging from the red thread upside down. There is a square piece of red fabric inderneath with a pile of dirt and dried leaves/petals on it.

Context: This work includes 4 types of plant species considered to be invasive in Sweden. Theā€¦
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