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A naked baby sits in a wooden cart being pulled by a giant bug along a field path. Smaller bugs and animals crawl along the path. A church stands in the field in the background, along with a fence and many trees. The baby holds up a stick.

A person with a grey skull head sticks out of the front of a bright colored truck driving along a street. They have an Abraham Lincoln puppet on one hand. Kids run towards the truck, as does a small dog. A large bee sits on the top of the truck.…

This painting depicts a mother in a white dress sitting on a chair while her child sits on their mother's knee. The mother is looking lovingly at her child as she prepares a bath for them. The child appears to be drifting off to sleep while staring…

In this painting, a mother lies in bed with her head propped up on pillows and her arms around a child. The child, dressed in white and with short curly hair, sits upright in their mother's arms and gazes happily to the right. Next to the bed is a…

In this painting, a mother wearing a white dress with blue sleeves looks to the left, while her right arm is wrapped around a child. The child appears to be standing and the mother appears to be seated. The child is naked, facing forward, and has…

This painting depicts a woman wearing a white dress with red flowers looking down at the child she is holding in her lap. The child appears tired or relaxed and holds onto the woman with both hands. It is a quiet domestic scene; behind the mother on…

In this painting, a mother sits sewing while her child leans on her lap. Behind the mother and child are windows, showing a view of greenery outside. Behind the mother but inside (on the left of the image) is a brown chest of drawers or something…

This depicts a woman seated in a green wooden chair, with a child in her lap. The woman is wearing a floor length dress that is white and yellow, with a patterned lace skirt. There is a sunflower placed over her left breast. The sleeves of the dress…

In this drawing, two women are depicted sitting next to a lamp placed on a desk in the foreground. A cross-hatching technique is used throughout the piece but most notable with the depth on the hair of both women and their visages. The woman on the…

In this painting, three individuals sit in a carriage outside. Trees are in the background. A woman and a child are facing forward, and the woman, wearing a fancy dress and hat, is holding the reins and a whip. The child, in a pink dress, is sitting…
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