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An object resembling a french horn bell is covered with muted colors such as black, red, green, blue, and gold. The center of the piece is identifiable by red paint with some black paint used to mimic cracks. The object has various shapes on the…

Harriet_painting_Elizabeth Catlett_1975.jpg
This piece of art shows Harriet Tubman leading other black former slaves to safety and freedom. Four adults and one child are following her. Tubman is in the foreground, her right hand outstretched and her index finger pointing forward.

A person in military dress on a horse faces a statue of a sphinx in a yellow and gold rocky desert. Mountains emerge out of a valley in the background, against a blue sky.

There is a dark black filled in oval lying horizontally across the canvas. Next to it, on the right side, is a lighter charcoal color oval painted vertically. They are touching and are roughly painted ovals.

Portrait of a person with short white hair and a white mustache in a black suit and bowtie. The portrait is against a black oval background with orange corners.

The background of the image is a dark gray color but is covered by a lighter gray, with only parts of the original dark gray coming through. the lighter gray is much more prevalent, especially on the left side of the canvas. on the right side of the…

A rectangular-like shape with gold, red, and purple colors.

Two men are entangled in each other. one is on the floor, as he holds the other's body. The man whose body is on top, has his mouth slightly open with his head on the mat. His left hand is being held by the other man, with his arm bent. The man on…

People pray in an open room with pillars and arches. The people face a grey, metal gate at the far end of the room, and light comes down from the ceiling in the middle of the room.

A person poses in the center of the composition, in a room with a dog next to them on the right side of the composition. The person wears a white skirt, red and black top, with guns strapped to their chest. The person looks at the viewer while the…
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