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A beaded bag with tassels around the bottom edge and a curved handle lays against a yellow background. On the front face of the bag, three horses, each a different collar, run. They are framed by a repeating pattern of squares.

There is a tall bear, wearing a colorful striped shirt, standing next to a policeman. The bear has their arm over the policeman's shoulder.

The background of the image is a dark gray color but is covered by a lighter gray, with only parts of the original dark gray coming through. the lighter gray is much more prevalent, especially on the left side of the canvas. on the right side of the…

A long rectangular hook decorated with orange and brown carved rectangles and gold sits against a white background.

Berthe Morisot with Bouquet of Violets.jpg
This is a portrait of Berthe Morisot, a fellow French painter. Morisot is dressed in a black dress and a hat. She holds a bouquet of violet that are almost invisible. The lighting comes from the side of Morisot's face, making the left half of her…

White canvas with black large brush marks going horizontally and vertically across the canvas.

A squirrel sits at a yellow table on a matching chair, in a white room. On the wall behind the squirrel, there is a white sink.

A black wall made of rectangular, open boxes stands against a white wall. Each box is filled with a different assortment of objects and shapes, all of the same color.

A round, black vase with white patterning and dragons around it stands against a blue background.

A large, undulating black circular statue stands against a grey sky and trees. The artist stands behind it, visible through the center hole of the circle.
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