Centering Student Voices: Re-envisioning Ethnic Studies for Liberation

In February 2019, the Student Engagement and Advancement Board (SEAB) of St. Paul proposed a mandatory ethnic studies course for all St. Paul Public Schools. Their proposal was in response to a school system that has historically failed marginalized students—especially students of color. This forum will draw upon these students’ work to envision a liberatory and representative educational experience for all St. Paul students. By bringing together students, teachers, the school board, and community members, we hope for collective, conscious action towards ethnic studies for St. Paul. Educator attendees will also leave this learning space will pedagogical and curricular tools from their colleagues that will shape how they structure their educational spaces. Our guiding question will be, “How can ethnic studies be grounded in antiracist pedagogy for liberation?”

Please join us on April 7, from 5:45-7:45 pm at Rondo Community Library in the Rondo Multipurpose Room!

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