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Staying Safe, Staying Separate: Dynamics of Social Interaction on the A Line and 63 Bus Lines

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Our Group:

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Julia, Ada, and Kate doing work on the project

Interactive Map of the Bus Lines:

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An example of the diagrams our group would make during our observations.

What We Saw

"The bus brings together people from a variety of race, class, gender, and age backgrounds so maybe they don't have a reason to interact and if they do, they look for someone they are comfortable with such as the guy who talked to me on my first observation or my personal want to sit by a woman."

Our Findings

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In our interviews we were able to learn important background information as to how people learned how to behave on the bus and had the chance for bus riders to tell us in their own words what their concerns are when riding the A line and 63.

Foley Interview Excerpts.pdf

They explained to us what perceptions of public transportation they grew up with, how they use it in their day-to-day lives, and positive and negative anecdotes about their experiences. 

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For our project, we came to realize that the word safety was used to describe larger concepts of fear and anxiety that bus riders experience, which we claim is in response to racial grammar being challenged.


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Julia, Ada, and Kate walking to a sociology department event.

Staying Safe, Staying Separate: Dynamics of Social Interaction on the A Line and 63 Bus Lines