Browse Items (798 total)

A figure in bright armor stands on the right side of the composition, facing a flying figure that resembles Superman, who has light beaming out of their eyes. The figure partially flies over a square in the bottom left corner of the composition, in…

Tall, thin trees stand against a yellow sky and orange ground. Larger rocks and boulders dot the ground around the trees, and hills rise up against the horizon in the background.

A cup is segmented off into different colors and shapes.

A brown dog facing the left of the canvas has exaggerated and disproportionate limbs is running in the piece as it seems to be chasing a yellow star/leaf. The yellow star/leaf is coming from what seems to be a tree branch. The background of the image…

An object resembling a french horn bell is covered with muted colors such as black, red, green, blue, and gold. The center of the piece is identifiable by red paint with some black paint used to mimic cracks. The object has various shapes on the…

The background of the image is a dark gray color but is covered by a lighter gray, with only parts of the original dark gray coming through. the lighter gray is much more prevalent, especially on the left side of the canvas. on the right side of the…

A rectangular-like shape with gold, red, and purple colors.

This piece is the bust of an African-American woman. The face is simple with smooth features. The woman's eyes are painted white and black. The nose is triangular and the mouth is agape. The shape of the head is extended with a bump of the back to…

This sculpture is of a mother holding a child. The mother is seated, and holds the child against her chest so the child's head rests on her left shoulder. Her left arm is underneath the child's legs and her right arm rests on the child's back.

This print shows a sharecropper wearing a straw hat. The sharecropper's face has an angular nose and cheekbones, and is tilted towards the right side of the print. The sharecropper's hair is white and they are wearing a white shirt underneath a green…
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