Category: Faculty & Staff Stories

In an effort to share knowledge and expertise across the campus community during the Summer of 2020, we (the AIAs, members of the Digital Liberal Arts working group, and the Serie Center) are gathering stories, tips, tricks, and hacks from faculty and staff about assignments, grounding exercises, syllabi, synchronous meeting infrastructures, assessment guidelines, and various other activities that are flexible and well-suited to different learning environments.

Please note: Some of these stories may describe the use of technological tools or practices that are not available through Macalester, and are not supported by our Academic Technology staff. You are more than welcome to use any tools and technologies you are familiar with, like, or want to learn more about; please know, however, that if you see something shared in these stories that is not supported by Macalester, ITS *cannot* get it for you. Macalester-supported tools are mentioned and described throughout the rest of this MacDigital site.

If you are interested in contributing a faculty or staff story, hack, or tip (a brief demo video, for example, or short blog post), please visit this Google Form. The form provides the option of posting your story publicly or only within the Macalester community.
