Shooting Video with a Cellphone

General Tips and Tricks

  • Tip that camera sideways! Make sure you’re recording landscape unless you specifically need to record in portrait.
  • Clean your lens!
  • Don’t use digital zoom – it can lead to pixelization
  • Use airplane mode to help silence notifications
  • Shoot with the back lens (even when you’re shooting yourself) rather than the selfie lens
  • Turn on grid lines | IOS
  • Some quick and easy lighting hacks
  • Tips for lighting with windows! – The first half of this video has some good tips for lighting using windows and natural light.
  • Mobile Shooting 101 with Luisa Winters – FANTASTIC video about shooting using a cell phone

Shooting with IOS (iPhone/iPad)

  • Go to the Settings app > Camera. From there you can change resolution and frame rate as well as recording formats, stereo audio and grid overlay, among other things.
  • Get familiar with AF/AE lock to lock in settings.
  • Tips and Tricks on iMore

Shooting with Android

  • Camera settings might be a bit different depending on the phone and version of Android you’re running.
  • Look for settings inside of the camera app to make sure you’re shooting at a hi resolution.
  • Tap on the screen to select a focus point, and to use the slider that appears to adjust brightness.

Stabilizing/Tripod Hacks

Cell phone tripod hacks
