Screening Films and Video Clips

If there is a work that you would like to show in class, we recommend looking first to see if there is a streaming version available that may be accessible to your class. We have several streaming services available through the library in addition to mainstream options such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. The library and Digital Resource Center are able to help you find media. In the case that the material you would like students to view is not available on a streaming service, we can talk through fair use options to ensure your students are able to access what they need to for your course within copyright law.

We strongly recommend that screenings are not done synchronously, and recommend that you check in with your students to be sure they’re able to stream media from their residence.

Public Statement of Library Copyright Specialists: Fair Use & Emergency Remote Teaching & Research:

It is evident that making materials available and accessible to students in this time of crisis will almost always be a fair use. As long as we are being thoughtful in our analysis and limiting our activities to the specific needs of our patrons during this time of crisis, copyright law supports our uses.”
